Hello Family!
Mom you are hilarious and I love you to death! haha. Thanks for
all the packages! These boots are seriously amazing and I'm not sure if I will
ever stop wearing them and my bed is so comfy and warm :) and the crescent
rolls were seriously AMAZING! haha. I was so excited when I opened those!
Everyone is telling me that I'm going to need my own car for
transfers haha. But there are like two things that I really want a photo album
with just a ton of pictures with friends and family (and Bradley's girlfriend
haha). Just like the dumb ones on facebook with like Gretta, Jake, Maria and
Skyler and then just like family ones because I just want to show all of you
off! haha. and I really miss looking at pictures. Then just some music because
I'm going a little insane!! haha. Maybe Motab even! But seriously those
packages made me so happy thanks for them all! The beef jerky and all the warm
stuff it really is so awesome! I loved the little notes in them you are so cute
I can't believe you sent us a Christmas tree! haha mom you are
seriously so awesome! We were going to buy one today but now we are set! I
guess for Christmas ideas I just want a ton of Pictures and some CD’s haha.
We sang happy birthday to you yesterday! :) I hope it was
awesome! Time is flying by! it's been a month that I have been gone this week!
Crazy! We have been working super hard on finding people because
basically the previous sisters left us no investigators haha. But it's cool we
are getting the hang of things and finding where everything is. We have been
meeting with a lot of members just so we can get to know the ward members
because the ward members here are like crazy supportive of missionary work!
Some people take it so seriously it's like their second job. I love it! They
are all so helpful! I'm sure they might be able to just loan me a bike haha.
Our area is so big though I think that we are just going to stick with the car.
We tried walking one day and it took 40 minutes just to walk to our actual area
and then we had no time to even find people because we had another appointment.
When we first got here we didn't have any miles to use because the sisters
before also didn't leave us with any miles haha. Oh I don't know if I mentioned
that I have been the driver because my companion's license expired haha. But
yeah it has been annoying not having miles but it's finally a new month! So we
should really be moving now and have more appointments :)
week has been a good one! I miss you guys hope you all are doing good! Tell my
brothers they should write me haha. I loved that thanksgiving book! It was so
funny! I really loved Dad's turkey hand and how all of my brothers have little
kid hand writing and they are all above the age of 12. But seriously it was
really funny! Dolphins be like eeee eeeee haha. Sister Brooks out!
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